The County plans to replace the low-water crossing with a full-height, full-service bridge that allows residents, emergency vehicles, and resource equipment year-round access across the Eel River. To design this modern, safe bridge, the County has enlisted the help of Consor.
Once completed, the Holmes-Larabee Bridge Replacement Project will reduce travel time by 45 minutes and allow users to avoid travel on a steep, narrow gravel logging road across private property that is prone to landslides.
Check out video simulations of driving over the proposed bridge and renderings of the proposed project:
Project Status
Over the next several years, the County and Consor team will work together to design and construct the new bridge, which also involves obtaining environmental clearance and a variety of regulatory agency permits.
The Environmental Document and technical studies are in progress. Use the link below to view the Environmental Study Limits.
Links to Additional Information
Phase 1 (2018-2022) - Complete
Prepared alternatives
Initial public meetings and input
Completed Type Selection Report
Phase 2 (2022-2027) - In Progress
Complete preliminary engineering technical studies
Develop environmental technical studies and CEQA/NEPA Environmental Documents
Estimated 3-5 years depending on level of Environmental Document and studies necessary
Phase 3 (2027-2029)
Hydraulic/geotechnical engineering
Utility and right-of-way coordination
Final plans and specifications
Construction bid advertisement and award
Estimated 2-3 years
Phase 4 (2029-2030)
Estimated 2 years
Above: Simulation of driving over the proposed bridge.
Above: Rendering of proposed Holmes-Larabee Bridge.